Sea Life Illustrations

Jonathan has returned to illustrating and writing his own children’s books this week, after taking a little detour to help me with a picture book that I implausibly wrote last month.

He’s also doing video scribes with Room 214 and whipping out character design for a Colorado startup. We’ll share more on those projects when they are finished.

Here’s a quick peek at some digital sketches of his new picture book. He hasn’t colored them yet; he’s thinking of using Prismacolor pencils and doing the coloring by hand. I think I like this idea very much…can’t wait to see what he does.

An illustration of a barnacle by Jonathan Fenske

And here’s another one:

Sting ray illustration by Denver artist Jonathan Fenske

Thanks for stopping by our blog! We’re Jennifer and Jonathan, and we make modern art prints on canvas over at featuring Jonathan’s designs.