What’s Your Favorite Children’s Book? + Book News

If you have kids in your home, you read a lot of children’s books. Books are everywhere around here. And beware the tidy mother who attempts to curate the collection. There were howls of protest when I started to “thin” out the bookshelves earlier this week. But we had to…shelves were stuffed and books were piled and the baby would drag them around, chewing and mewing for someone to read to her. (Kidding! She’s in that stage where a book is simply not that interesting. We still read to her, of course, but she wanders off to see how her older sisters are clobbering each other. True story.)

In any event, we filled a box-o-books to take to Goodwill.

Box of children's books

This book curating made me think of a guest post Jonathan did in February over at The Write Now Coach, Rochelle Melander. I’ve known Rochelle for many years and she’s a true tour-de-force of a writing coach, author, editor…the list goes on. She kindly had Jonathan on her blog and he guest posted about his 5 favorite children’s books. Here’s an excerpt:

“When we had our first daughter seven years ago, I delighted in buying old picture books at thrift stores and discovering new titles at our local bookstore. When I wrote Love Is in the Air (indeed, whenever I write) all of my favorite books were (and are) swirling in my head, a beautiful, highly respected and influential mass of collective imagination.”

In book news, we’re pleased as punch to tell you that Penguin USA made an offer for Woodward and McTwee. It’s one of several stories about a sweet, innocent hippo and a super snarky bird. The book will be published in 2014. We love Penguin, including Jonathan’s editor, Bonnie Bader. Go book people!

Here’s a homemade mock-up of the cover:

Cover of Woodward and McTwee children's book by Jonathan Fenske
That’s it from here! We invite you to head over to the new home of Fat and Appy, and our new collection of canvas prints for children featuring Jonathan’s designs. Save 15% by signing up for our newsletter. Thank you for visiting. We adore you so much.

Tell us in the comments: what is your favorite children’s book? 

One thought on “What’s Your Favorite Children’s Book? + Book News

  1. Just received Woodward & McTwee from our automatic order, and we all just about peed ourselves laughing. I read it aloud to the whole staff! Please…. more Woodward & McTwee!!!!!

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