From the Studio: Paintings

Jonathan is having a rush of post-Christmas commissions. I thought I would show a recent one called “Working Well Together.” This was commissioned by a Colorado client in honor of her brother’s wedding. This picture isn’t the best—in real life, the painting is brighter. You can still get the idea. In my opinion as the artist’s wife, I like commissions the best because they are pre-sold. In a gallery, a painting can hang for months or years before they sell. A commission is just a visitor…there’s no time to get attached.

Working Well Together

2 thoughts on “From the Studio: Paintings

  1. Pingback: Warhol, Flying Planes and Cloud Gate | I Love Your Work, Jonathan Fenske

  2. Pingback: Playskool + Fisher-Price Painting: Lakeside Fun | I Love Your Work, Jonathan Fenske

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